Articles 1 to 4 under Part-I
⦁ Article 1 describes India, that is, Bharat as a ‘Union of States’ not Federation of states. (it is not result of agreement between the states and there is no right to secede for the states)
⦁ According to Article 1, territory of India can be classified into three categories: 1) Territories of the states, 2) UTs
3) Territories acquired by GoI
⦁ ‘Territory of India’ is a wider expression than ‘Union of India’. Union of India implies States whereas Territory of India implies States, UTs, Territories that may be
�New states that came in to Existence after 1956
⦁ 1960 : Maharastra , Gujarat from Bombay
⦁ 1963 : Nagaland
⦁ 1966 : Haryana, Chandigarh and HP from Punjab Province
⦁ 1972 : Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya.
⦁ 1975 : Sikkim (36 CAA)
⦁ 1987 : Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Goa
⦁ 2000 : Chattisgarh, Uttarakhand and Jharkahand
⦁ 2014 : Telangana
Evolution of States and Union Territories:
⦁ Dhar Commission (1948): Reorganisation of states on
⦁ Article 2 grants two powers to Parliament: (a) power to admit new states (already in existence) (b) power to establish new states (states non-existent before)
⦁ Article 3 authorises Parliament to:Article 3 authorises Parliament to deal with internal readjustment of territories of constituents of union of India (i.e., states). Bill for the purpose : 1) Prior recommendation of President 2) should be referred to concerned state legislature for its views
⦁ Laws made under Art 2 and Art 3 shall not be considered as constitutional Amendment under Art 368.
⦁ If any territory has to be ceded to a foreign country, it cannot happen under Art 3. It needs an amendment with constitutional under Art 368.
�the basis of administrative convenience rather than
linguistic factor.
⦁ JVP Committee(1948): Formally rejected language as the basis for reorganisation of states
⦁ Fazl Ali Commission (1955): Submitted its report in September 1955 and broadly accepted language as the basis of reorganisation of states. But, it rejected the theory of ‘one language–one state’.
⦁ Based on Fazl Ali commission, States reorganisation act 1956 and 7th CAA led to Abolition of four fold classification of states and formation of 14 states and 6 UTs.
⦁ First linguistic state created in India – Andhra state in 1953
⦁ 100thConstitutional Amendment Act
enclaves to Bangladesh.
�ceded certain
�Who are citizens?
At the time of commencement of the constitution
⦁ Person who is domicile in India – born and any one of the parent is Indian,(descent) or resident in India for 5 years
⦁ People who came from Pakistan
⦁ People who went to Pakistan and returned back to India before commencement of this constitution.
⦁ Persons of Indian origin residing outside India (by registration)
Ways of acquisition of Citizenship under Citizenship Act 1955 – Birth, Descent, Registration, Naturalisation, incorporation of a new Territory
Loss of Citizenship:
Renunciation : Voluntarily giving away of citizenship.
Termination : Acquiring foreign citizenship automatically terminates Citizenship.
Deprivation : Compulsory termination by central government in cases of fraudulent acquisition of citizenship.