Articles 1 to 4 under Part-I

Article 1 describes India, that is, Bharat as a ‘Union of States’ not Federation of states. (it is not result of agreement between the states and there is no right to secede for the states)

According to Article 1, territory of India can be classified into three categories: 1) Territories of the states, 2) UTs

3) Territories acquired by GoI

‘Territory of India’ is a wider expression than ‘Union of India’. Union of India implies States whereas Territory of India implies States, UTs, Territories that may be

�New states that came in to Existence after 1956

1960  : Maharastra , Gujarat from Bombay

1963  : Nagaland

1966  : Haryana, Chandigarh and HP from Punjab Province

1972  : Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya.

1975  : Sikkim (36 CAA)

1987  : Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Goa

2000  : Chattisgarh, Uttarakhand and Jharkahand

2014  : Telangana

Evolution of States and Union Territories:

Dhar Commission (1948): Reorganisation of states on


Article 2 grants two powers to Parliament: (a) power to admit new states (already in existence) (b) power to establish new states (states non-existent before)

Article 3 authorises Parliament to:Article 3 authorises Parliament to deal with internal readjustment of territories of constituents of union of India (i.e., states). Bill for the purpose : 1) Prior recommendation of President 2) should be referred to concerned state legislature for its views

Laws made under Art 2 and Art 3 shall not be considered as constitutional Amendment under Art 368.

If any territory has to be ceded to a foreign country, it cannot happen under Art 3. It needs an amendment with constitutional under Art 368.

�the basis of administrative convenience rather than

linguistic factor.

JVP Committee(1948): Formally rejected language as the basis for reorganisation of states

Fazl Ali Commission (1955): Submitted its report in September 1955 and broadly accepted language as the basis of reorganisation of states. But, it rejected the theory of ‘one language–one state’.

Based on Fazl Ali commission, States reorganisation act 1956 and 7th CAA led to Abolition of four fold classification of states and formation of 14 states and 6 UTs.

First linguistic state created in India – Andhra state in 1953


100thConstitutional Amendment Act

enclaves to Bangladesh.

�ceded certain

�Who are citizens?

At the time of commencement of the constitution

Person who is domicile in India – born and any one of the parent is Indian,(descent) or resident in India for 5 years

People who came from Pakistan

People who went to Pakistan and returned back to India before commencement of this constitution.

Persons of Indian origin residing outside India (by registration)

Ways of acquisition of Citizenship under Citizenship Act 1955 – Birth, Descent, Registration, Naturalisation, incorporation of a new Territory

Loss of Citizenship:

Renunciation : Voluntarily giving away of citizenship.

Termination : Acquiring foreign citizenship automatically terminates Citizenship.

Deprivation : Compulsory termination by central government in cases of fraudulent acquisition of citizenship.